Oh say that I am glad to see someone using the AV.
As I said in the other post, it is my favorite translation and the one I use in my posting, unless specifically requested by an antagonist to use something a little more modern and more easily understandable.
But we don't exegete translations, so the translation one chooses makes little difference (providing it is actually a translation and not a paraphrase or a pseudo-translation), because we are going to have to look at the original languages in order for a few things to be clarified.
That's not to say that someone cannot read most translations and understand Core Doctrinal issues.
However, Darrell, you dodged in your theological confusion
I am charged with confusion quite often, but, I will ask that you show why the post contains "theological confusion," rather than just charging me with it.
There is no dodging involved, as I address this issue from a non-Calvinist/non-Arminian perspective. I am simply a Christian Bible Student loyal to no System of Theology other than Christianity itself.
the challenge to name the first elect of God according to the writ.
Here is the challenge:
As to the elect, I challenge the arminians to declare plainly
what, or whom, the Bible says is the first elect.
If they can figure this out we MIGHT get somewhere.
First, this goes out to Arminians. I am reading that correctly, right?
Then the challenge does not go out to me.
Secondly, nothing in my post has yet been dismantled. I challenge you to point out the Theological Confusion you charge me with. Show how I am in error, John.
Third, there is no "First Elect" issue, the People of God are a Body of unity, and there is no distinction concerning who was first elect. Of course, vague statement demand definition, and are also used at times to bait. And I am not one that falls prey to baiting, lol.
Lastly, the implication that it is Arminians that are in error, and that you have the solution for them, might be best handled by a study of Prevenient Grace. Perhaps if we could get Arminians and Calvinists to talk to each other, and understand the doctrines they embrace, instead of basing most discussions on the caricaturized version of these Theology Systems we see taught by those who embrace them...we might actually get somewhere, lol.
You cannot hold both in error
I just did.
Now it is your turn to show why I am in error for finding both groups in fundamental error, for which the remedy is balancing all Redemptive Doctrine.
without the third option: hardshell Baptist.
I hold the "Hardshell Baptist," of all flavors (for Baptists are diverse), in error on issues as well.
I will say that the Independent (and I mean truly independent, not a particular Denomination) Fundamental Baptists are about as close as one can get to in regards to a sound theology as a group. And you will find among them certain doctrinal positions that can be questionable. But that is a thread in itself, lol.
As one, we oppose Calvin's private interpretations on the doctrines of grace.
I think it would be a little premature to say we are united in opposing Calvin.
My Theology consists of very Calvinistic elements, and to be honest, I see that Calvinists are closer than Arminians on a number of points.
So I would rather see one embracing Calvin's teachings as opposed to other opposing views, but, what I would rather see is everyone actually thinking through the issues that cannot be reconciled in both.
Proto-Regeneration is not a sound Doctrinal Position.
Ascribing spiritual ability to those who are spiritually dead is not a sound Doctrinal Position.
The reconciliation is right there in Scripture, but ony those not absorbed in Systematic Theology are likely to allow God to show it to them. Indoctrination is a terrible thing.
Seeing as this is a madhouse discussion
Doesn't have to be. No reason why logical, rational Christians cannot sit down to the table and give their antagonists a chance to explain what and why they believe. Or that could not be reciprocal. And that the Mediator be the very Word of God.
It really is as simple as that, John.
I invite you to have an email chat with me,
Sorry, but e-mail conversations are limited to those who show they are friends, which over the years have amounted to enough people that I can count on one hand.
My policy is that all discussion is to be done in the Public Record. That way, I don't get accused of anything I cannot prove publicly, and I don't waste time with people trying to proselytize me, lol.
Jesus' blood atonement is wanting for the vessels of wrath but sufficient to save the elect, witnessed in Isaiah 53, Matthew 20.28, 26.28 from the Lord himself, barring many apostolic writings.
Barring many Apostolic writings? lol
I guess you are trying to say there is a great testimony of this truth in many Apostolic writings.
You'll have to forgive me, I am a little dumb sometimes, lol. Just ask a few of my brothers here.
And if I responded to this statement and told you that I agree, but that the Atonement was not applied to the Old Testament Saint...what would you say?
If I told you that neither Calvinism or Arminian advocates take into consideration a simple truth, which is men were not eternally redeemed until the Atonement...what would you response be?
Theological Confusion?
Calvin did not get that memo when he said (as it is held in the Westminster Confession) so he thought all would forcibly repent of sins before death, a cockamamie idea.
I would agree that God does not force men to repent in the sense that the individual plays no part at all, but, the fact remains that it is without question the intervention of Sovereign God by which men repent.
It might be illustrated like this: you and I go fishing, because you are curious as to why I always do better fishing than you do, so you want to learn my secret. We get out on the lake, and I light a stick of dynamite and toss it to you. You throw it out of the boat, and a number of stunned fish float to the surface. Then the Game Warden comes up, and states he witnessed you tossing the dynamite out, and he is going to arrest you. You deny the charge, and you say "He forced me to!"
Well...did I?
The answer is no, I didn't force you, I just brought you to the point where you had to decide. You could have tossed it back to me, but you didn't. You could have set it in the floor of the boat and jumped out, but you didn't.
Same response is seen in those who are brought to the point where it is sink or swim, repent or remain condemned. And just as you did not know my secret until I enlightened you, even so the unregenerate do not have a clue as to even their own condition. God enlightens the natural mind, and at this point the one under that ministry of the Comforter, Who is convicting the sinner of sin...sinks or swims.
And that is not to say that God does not sometimes spend years ministering to the unregenerate. It is just illustrating that until one is made aware of their condition, naturally (pun intended)...they cannot seek out the remedy.
So we acknowledge that Scripture makes it clear that there is a Doctrine of Election. We know that God is Sovereign.
But we also know that God is just, and when each unbeliever stands before Him at the Great White Throne, they will be without excuse. Their punishment will fit the crime, and every one of them will have willfully rejected the revelation God provided to them.
So I see no need to revile Calvin, but simply acknowledge that like every man he had some issues which have to be dealt with in His doctrine. His contribution to the Body of Christ cannot be overlooked, though we would have to see that contribution as it is applied in the ministries of a number of Reformed Theologians who are ministering to a lost and dying world. The same could be said of certain Arminian based ministries, who, whether they are in error on certain points, they know enough to minister from Core Doctrinal Issues, meaning, they are leading the lost to Christ.
And those who are saved through these ministries have a Teacher that will guide them into all truth.
God bless.