Through the reading of the scriptures it is evident, that in no place therein is there any mention of the action it behooves us to do for reception of everlasting life, except to believe, apart from works, in the promise Christ made to give everlasting life to the one who believes in Him for it. There is not a mention of salvation through Lordship, nor through faith in any other message, nor through faith in any name besides Christ, in the Bible. For the gospel of John, the only book which is written to the unregenerate, clearly signifies what a person must do to receive eternal life, the persuasion of the promise given by Christ, with assurance of eternal life in the believing person, which is the essence of saving faith. Neither obedience, nor repentance, nor confessing that Christ is Lord, nor trusting in His finished redemptive work, nor calling on the name of the Lord, are given as requirements of what a person must do, but believing Christ and His promise. These all are mentioned in scripture, absent the statement that the doing of them procures a person eternal life, but the latter with clarity throughout the Gospel of John.