One thing to remember is that not all in the Reformed view agree that regeneration precedes faith/repentance. Due to this I would like to toss something your way to 'CONSIDER'.
Your statement that God saves a man then man believes and repents. However this model flies in the face of what Christ Jesus stated ..
Believe and be saved. Now I doubt that Jesus was mistaken when he says this or other things like believe and have eternal life (which according John 17:3 is a relationship with God the Father and the Son, since Jesus Himself defines Eternal Life), and other like verses.
I agree here:thumbsup:
That this verse for example:
Note in context the person to whom Paul is speaking of (sent to) where the Gentiles and to them he was sent that - their eyes be opened YET what is their status or state of being (nature) when their eyes are opened... and for what purpose is their eyes opened.
They are IN darkness when their eyes are opened.
So they MAY turn FROM darkness to light..
FROM the power of Satan to God
to receive forgiveness and an inheritance who by faith has be been sanctified
IOW - they were still slaves, in their trespasses and sin, when they believed.
They do turn, being enabled to do so
Thus what we have are their eyes being opened while they are in darkness and under the power of Satan.. so that they might turn from such a state to God and be forgiven and sanctified by faith in Him.
As well as others also like these, like one from John:
He came as a light in the world (to unregenerate lost men) that they might believe and no longer abide (live, dwell) IN darkness. They are IN darkness. If they have Life then they ALREADY have and are IN the light because Christ Jesus IS Life. You CAN NOT have spiritual life unless you are IN a relationship with Christ. Nor can a person be IN the Light (In Christ) and be IN darkness.
And another from Paul himself:
NOTE: They were slaves 'when' called. The Greek bears this out more clearly.. basically put - they were still in chains when God called them to faith, not that they were set free.. then called. It specifically depicts what state they were in when God called them to Himself.
Yet not all come who are called...see above. as well as the parable of the marriage feast to be noted among these.
FOR ME - to be honest it is this view which states that if one is regenerate one is no longer in darkness because one is in Christ therefore with regard to logic one can not turn from darkness/sin since one is no longer in it. And as such if one is regenerate then one is no longer under the power of Satan but under the power of God and again, therefore there is not turning from the Power of Satan/sin/.
Here is a portion of an ariticle by J.I Packer on Regeneration:
Regeneration is the "birth" by which this work of new creation is begun, as sanctification is the "growth" whereby it continues (I Pet. 2:2; II Pet. 3:18). Regeneration in Christ changes the disposition from lawless, Godless self-seeking (Rom. 3:9-18; 8:7) which dominates man in Adam into one of trust and love, of repentance for past rebelliousness and unbelief, and loving compliance with God's law henceforth. It enlightens the blinded mind to discern spiritual realities (I Cor. 2:14-15; II Cor. 4:6; Col. 3:10), and liberates and energizes the enslaved will for free obedience to God (Rom. 6:14, 17-22; Phil. 2:13).
The use of the figure of new birth to describe this change emphasizes two facts about it. The first is its decisiveness. The regenerate man has forever ceased to be the man he was; his old life is over and a new life has begun; he is a new creature in Christ, buried with him out of reach of condemnation and raised with him into a new life of righteousness (see Rom. 6:3-11; II Cor. 5:17; Col. 3:9-11). The second fact emphasized is the monergism of regeneration. ....
Thus the above verse I was speaking of relating to opening their eyes 'while in darkness' in fact says the opposite of many Reformed postulations. Their eyes were opened so they might turn .. turn from their darkness and the power of Satan TO God. It does not state that their eyes opened and being freed from the power of Satan they came to God. NO. It states that they would 'turn FROM the power of Satan', meaning that is where they 'were at' TO God.
Scripture says we are made righteous through faith, we are justified through faith, the indwelling of the Holy Spirit is through faith, the propitation is applied to us through faith, and we are united with Christ through faith.
All of these are noted scripturally as various aspects of what regeneration IS or has done toward us. Therefore logically, I believe it should be conceded as factaul that according to scripture faith precedes regeneration (better all that makes up regeneration or all that regeneration entails).
And other passages as well.