The Sabbath day starts at sundown on Friday. No work (travel, cooking, purchases, secular entertainment, etc). The day was a day dedicated to prayer, meditation and worship. People had to remain in their residence (not actual house but area...they could travel short distances by foot). Things like driving a vehicle, operating machinery, picking food from a garden,, eating at a restaurant, watching a secular event....these things are violating the Sabbath (they constitute work or secular centered activities).Thank you for taking the time to respond to my post. I am not offended at all. Just looking to learn.
My question regarding the calendar wasn't very clear. I am wondering if the Sabbath starts at 6:00 pm on Friday or midnight Saturday?
Christians typically view the Sabbath as foreshadowing man entering God's rest, a time they put aside their labors. This is why you will often hear of Christ as our Sabbath (our rest).