We need to get back to the old path, yes thats right the old path. The old path was praying and begging God to save our neighbors.
God is perfectly willing to save our neighbors. We don't have to beg, but we should ask. And then after we asked, witness to our neighbors in word and deed, looking for opportunities for God to use us.
The time when revivals weren't scheduled, they just happened because God sent them.
True revival has always been that way. Scheduled revivals often involve a visiting preacher who comes in using emotionalism, techniques and manipulation to motivate people to make a "decision" that may or may not have any lasting relevance. When there is true revival, lives are never the same and there is no need for manipulation or techniques.
We need revival. A real revival. Not the kind where some out of town preacher comes in and spends a few nights boring us to death with written out sermons that are dead as 4 o'clock.
God certainly used Jonathan Edwards' sermons that were written out, and he read them in a near monotone voice to his congregation. It's not an issue of whether or not the sermon is written out or the preacher's style of preaching, but whether or not the Spirit is using the message in the midst of the congregation to bring repentance and transformation.
We need some good old repentance and forgiveness and love and broken hearts over our sins and broken hearts for our neighbors. This will not come from some over educated speaker who has never really been called by God to preach.
Repentance, forgiveness, love, and broken hearts come from God, not from a speaker, over educated or not, called to preach or not.
We need men that preach what God gives them and the Holy Spirit to give them spiritual utterance to preach it with power.
I challenge you to find me one civilized God called preacher in the Bible.
The Apostle Paul leaps immediately to mind. He was very well educated and knew and understood his Jewish culture and the pagan Greco-Roman culture, even quoting some of their poets on Mars Hill to illustrate the truth of God.
Find me one sermon in the Bible that is dead like a lot of what we hear and see today.
I don't make a habit of listening to poor preachers who don't teach the scripture, so I am not familiar with much bad preaching today. But the difference between a "dead" sermon and a Spirit-used sermon has to do with the Spirit, not the sermon.
I could care less about some message about how someone has used a calculator to figure out some prophesy in the Bible I need something straight from God.
I agree. I wouldn't given two minutes to someone who was trying to tease out secret meanings from the scripture when they are ignoring the plain teachings.
Something to help me be a more humble, soulwinning, on fire Christian.
May I recommend not looking to others to find spiritual vitality? Devote yourself to the scriptures and ask God to teach you how to obey everything He has commanded so that you may be transformed into someone who can change the world. God will honor that prayer.
And while you do that devote time to serving others both inside and outside of a local church so you can learn how to put everything God is teaching you into practice.
Am I alone. God please help us to find the path that we have left.
No, you are not alone. You will be relieved to know that many of us are following Christ, although we are coming from different directions, one day we will find ourselves unified in His grace and life.