[FONT:="Century Gothic"]Your rational thoughts please.[/FONT]
One refrain I’ve heard (and seen) repeatedly from enraged protesters at chaotic town hall meetings is, “This isn’t my America,” or “They’re taking America away from me.” Who are “they?” Do you think that all of this anger is really about health care reform? Is it about the unwillingness of an unreconciled minority to accept the legitimacy of an African-American president? Or is it about the economy, expressing itself not as left-wing populism but as right-wing populism (which has always included a strong element of racism)? Do you think that right-wing religion is playing a significant role in this movement, or is the anger unrelated to the passions that fuel many anti-choice and anti-gay activists?
I’ve taken just one public opinion poll on this issue, and the only person I questioned was my 88-year-old mother. She is definitely not a conspiracy theorist, and here’s what she said: “If you don’t think this is about race at the core, you haven’t lived long enough.” I don’t really think that any public opinion poll, however carefully conducted, could elicit a meaningful to the questions I’ve posed. I’m not sure that the protesters themselves know exactly what is fueling their anger.