Try reading what you are writing! Twelve of the thirteen dictionary definitons support my view.
Any Bible Student knows that HISTORICAL USAGE at the time of writing takes precedence over etymology (which also supports my view) or theological bias (Barnes, you). Not even "equivalence" supports your definition of "exact same"! So NONE of these dictionary definitions support your definition.
Neither you or Barnes can find ONE INSTANCE in Scripture where your definition is supported! NOT ONE!
In contrast EVERY SINGLE USAGE in Scripture supports my definition and even the word "similar" which is derived from "similtude" supports my view.
Even Barnes when it comes to the other occurrences of this term in Scripture as in Hebrews 7 denies it means "exact same"
After the similitude, Resembling; that is, he was to be of the order of Melchizedek. Albert Barnes
I realize you are a Calvinist, and that as a Calvinist you can assign whatever definition of a word is convenient for you at the moment, but Romans 5:14 is clearly saying that men from Adam to Moses did not sin the same kind of sin as Adam. They were not in the garden picking the forbidden fruit off the tree and eating it.
If Paul was trying to teach men after Adam were in the garden eating the forbidden fruit with him, then he would not have limited it to men from Adam to Moses as he clearly does, but would have included ALL MEN that ever was or will be born.
We were already told by Paul that men without law perish without law because they are a law to themselves, the law being written on their hearts. If your view were correct, then Romans 2:12 would be a lie. There would be no such thing as a man without law, and they would have perished with law, not without.
In addition, there are many other scriptures which refutes your view. In Romans 9:11 Paul clearly tells us that Jacob and Esau had done no evil. This would be a lie if your view is correct, if your view is correct then Jacob and Esau would have eaten the forbidden fruit in the garden with Adam.
Romans 7 refutes your view, Paul says he was spiritually alive until the commandment came, but when the commandment came, sin revived and he died. This is when Paul learned the commandments as clearly shown in Rom 7:7. Upon learning the commandments he became accountable and spiritually died the first time he violated a known commandment.
If your view was correct, then Romans 7:9 would be a lie, Paul would have been born dead in sin, as he sinned with Adam in the garden.
You can believe whatever you want, but your view is total error.