Just ordered my easter gospel tracts and unfortunately WOTM & Tract Planet have none (as of this writing) so I ordered some from CBD. One by John Piper on 10 Reasons Jesus Came to Die I noticed uses the sinners prayer at the end of it. However the tract hits hard on sin, God's wrath, judgment, and God's Holiness so its a recommended tract, unlike most of the other easter ones. Someone told me once that Reformed before the 20th century used the sinners prayer, is this true? I can understand the use of the sinners prayer, however I do not think people whom think they are saved just for saying a prayer and then living like Satan after it. Plenty of false converts whom are currently into New Age, and Wicca also said the prayer at one time. Dozens of these examples fill the WOTM book I am reading as the author has a zealous passion against the prayer. So what say you? Did Reformed at one time use the prayer? Personally the prayer can be a good starting point as long as people understand that it does not save anyone, it just communicates turning from Sin to God.