You are confused. The term Irresistible Grace was coined in the first decade of the 20th century. A better term would be Effectual Grace. The Lord gets who He wants. He chooses particular people for salvation. See 2 Thess. 2:13 and Eph. 1:4,11 for examples.
Go to John chapter 6 and verses 37,39,44,45 and 65 and try to dispute the doctrine with integrity.
"Devoid"? Don't be so uninformed.
Well, you have to deal with Scripture. Be careful about calling it false just because you hate what you think Calvin was ,or Calvinism is.
Those are good points. Though I may disagree with you as I disagree with Calvinism let me intervene in this discussion here.
First, debate the tenets of TULIP if you wish, such as Irresistable Grace, as doctrine, not from a human perspective but from a Biblical perspective. Leave history and human origins out of the discussion.
The same is true with "Calvin" himself. Truth be told, Calvin got much of his information from Augustine. But that is not relevant. Debate the truth, or what is perceived to be the truth, from the Bible. Leave Calvin, and attacking him, out of the picture. It does do any good for your cause (I am agreeing with you Rippon).
Remember that attacking the person is the lowest tactic of debate and a sure sign that you have lost the argument.