You never made this clear before. All your previous arguments were based on rejection of the gospel. I agree with your position here stated!
Well, that is because men are held responsible for what they know...for what has been clearly revealed to them. How can they believe in one who they have not heard? But once they have heard they are held responsible...why? Because they are response-abled. They are able to respond to any level of God's revelation and that is why they are always without excuse. To suggest, as Calvinism does, that men are born unable to see, hear, understand and respond to the revelation without first being regenerated undermines this truth and gives unbelievers the perfect excuse for their unbelief. What better excuse is their for unbelief than the one Calvinism gives? If God asks a non-elect reprobate, "Why didn't you believe in me?" He could legitly answer: "Because I wasn't granted faith." "Because God didn't love me." "Because I wasn't made able to see, hear and understand."
However, Romans 1:18-32 shows universal rejection of every conceivable form of light revealed to Gentiles as their depraved natue SUPPRESSES the truth (Rom. 8:7).
But not every Gentile throughout history did reject the light, so what do we do with those? Do we presume, as Calvinist must do, that God regenerated them making them 'fear the Lord' or 'worship' him? Must we speculate, as I believe Calvinists do, that God must have made those favorable by irresistible means so as to find favor with them?
Rahab, the Harlot, was deemed righteous on the account of her little bit of faith in hiding the spies of God. Christ blood covered her sin not because she knew the gospel, biblical doctrine or even the OT law, but because God graciously chose to grace a woman who had a mustard seed size of faith in whatever little revelation she had been given.
Romans 1 never states that everyone rejected the clearly revealed and understood revelation of merely tells us that no one who rejects His revelation has any excuse for their rejection.
Right! There is none, no not one, Gentile or Jew that has ever responded "good" to the various manifestations of light (Rom. 1:18-32; 3:9-20)
You did it again. You've taken a verse which teaches that mankind is unable to attain righteousness through the works of the law and interpreted to mean that men are also unable to attain righteousness through faith.
Keep reading in chapter 3 and verse 21 and you will see these TWO types of righteousness Paul is addressing. No one is righteous under the law, but that has nothing to do with righteousness through faith. Think about it! How can he say that no one is righteous, no not one and then one chapter later say that Abraham was righteous? He is saying that no one can attain righteousness through their merit, but they certain can by Grace through faith.
Many up to this point in history had been deemed righteous in the site of God. Not one of them on the basis of their works of the law, but many on the basis of God's grace applied through faith.
BTW, faith doesn't earn grace. Humility doesn't earn grace. Even believers deserve hell. Even the humble deserve punishment. God, in his Grace, chooses to grace the humble and believing because he is GOOD, not because they deserve it.