General Mung Beans
..... that the man in the WH is trying to make us a "Third-world country?" world country?" If this is the fact, then those coming over the border like a human tsunami, will really find themselves at home here, it won't be much different than what they are leaving behind, except, the wages will be much better, and far more advantage to send home to their loved ones, while "Once" hard-working Americans sit back and collect welfare, because there are no longer well-paying jobs!
Is this what you are implying General? If so, I agree 100%, and I look to the future with great sadness in my heart.
No I was mocking the assertion that the United States had become a Third World country under the Obama administration.
Blacks went Democrat in 1932 and they stayed there.
Its true blacks started "crossing over" in 1932, but significant percentages still voted for Republican candidates until 1964.
I tend to agree. There have been some great democrats; Walter George and Richard Russell of Georgia, Strom Thurmond of South Carolina, "Scoop" Jackson of Washington state. And there are others.
I agree on Scoop Jackson being a good Democrat (he should have been the nominee instead of McGovern in 1972 imo), but I must disagree with the rest. Both Thurmond and Russell were fanatical segregationists and racists who opposed the implementation of civil rights legislation with Thurmond being willing to divide the party for that sole reason.
I disagreed with some of the policies of Truman but he must be given credit for making the one of the toughest decisions ever, dropping the atomic bomb on Japan. That decision saved perhaps millions of lives, both American and Japanese. My brother was in the 32nd Division in the Philippines campaign and slated to be in the invasion of Japan if necessary.If my memory is correct he was kept in the dark about the nuclear program until Roosevelt died.
I do not disagree with this.
JFK had a problem similar to that of Clinton but was a commendable president. he was wrong on the Bay of Pigs but reestablished himself in the Missile Crisis. His move to cut taxes was a master stroke as time has shown.
The unfortunate thing is that President Kennedy's tax cut proposal has been blown out of proportion to imply that he'd have supported any and all tax cuts rather than in the context of when he was President.
LBJ was simply not tough enough to be president and I believe he recognized that. His "Great Society" has resulted in a substantial part of the national debt!
It seems to me LBJ was quite a "tough" President, being able to push Congress to implement important legislation.
Was thinking earlier that Obama is continuing the policies of the first Marxist "president", Eleanor Roosevelt.
Eleanor Roosevelt wasn't a Marxist.
you are correct!!!
Obama is anti-Christian and anti-American, he is a racist and an Islamic short ....Obama is a disgrace !
Citation needed.
General Mung Beans
I will not attempt to respond to your cut and paste "collectivist" diatribe. You are incorrect in most of what you post. Actually only 5 Southern states voted for Goldwater. South Carolina was one of them. I was at a Republican dinner when Strom announced his switch to the Republican Party.
In other words you aren't going to bother responding to my factual critique of your baseless assertions. I didn't "cut and paste" it either.
I did specify in my post that it was the Deep South states, not all Southern states, that voted for Goldwater btw.
Obama extended the Bush Recession into the Obama Depression by following the same policies of FDR, spending money. FDR extended the Hoover recession, which was essentially world wide, into the Roosevelt depression for 8 years until he started the draft in 1940
The Roosevelt administration, on the whole, probably did much to ameliorate the Great Depression making sure it did not grow any worse and improving the situation slightly. Of course full recovery did not happen until the war. Austerity policies, however, would have made the situation worse as can be seen in Greece or indeed any other country where such policies have been implemented.
and got us involved in WWII by the travesty of Pearl Harbor, much as LBJ did with the Gulf of Tonkin incident and Viet Nam.
Do you believe American involvement in the Second World War was a mistkae?
Actually Obama is only half black; that is unless he has continued his endless penchant for lying.
In the United States, the "one drop" rule means that anybody who detectable black blood will be considered "black" by most people.
You are correct but a little too nice to the Democrats. FDR ruined the American farmer.
How so? If anything FDR's agricultural policies probably saved the American farmer.
Once Truman wrote that a weak President follows a strong President, suggesting that Ike was weak. Republicans were quick to point out that Truman followed FDR. Truman used Taft-Hartley to stop rail strikes and he advocated socialized medicine. He did not want to win the Korean War.
And those were among the things that made Truman a great President-ensuing health insurance access for Americans. He did want to win the Korean War, he just did not want to risk World War 3 over it.
It is a pity that Bob Taft was not elected in 1952, although he died in 1953.
Robert Taft was an honest and decent man but his isolationist and laissez-faire politics would have been a bad fit for the complexities of the post-war world.
It was revealed yesterday that Iraq requested Obama to use drones to take out the ISIS leaders in western Iraq a year ago. Obama refused and now ISIS controls about one third of Iraq, has declared an Islamic State, telling Christians in their territory to convert or die. The Christian community in Iraq has existed for almost 2000 years and is on the way to extinction.
Actually I would like for the President to be taking more decisive action right now. But the question must be asked-where were all the conservative Republicans when Bush invaded Iraq eleven years ago, which started the cycle of persecution and violence for the Christian community in Iraq? Why did they not speak out for them then instead of praising the glowing reports on Fox News about how Iraq was rapidly on the way to democracy?
The new holocaust, as you know, is against Christians. Iraq is Obama's fault since he refused to leave a residual force. It is now under the thumb of Iran.
Even Democrats do not defend Obama as a great Democrat. Yet they are poised to nominate Hillary who is even more radical than BHO II.
You mean the same Hillary Clinton who is the wife of Bill Clinton? The same Hillary Clinton who voted for the Iraq War? The same Hillary Clinton who was a consistent hawk in the Obama administration? :laugh: