Fair question.
Here is the original quote from CARM (located in the OP):
The unbeliever will never freely choose God in his sinfulness because the heart of the unbeliever is wicked and deceitful (
Jeremiah 17:9) and from within his heart flows all sorts of evil (
Mark 7:21-23). He is a slave of sin (
Romans 6:20), is dead in his trespasses and sins (
Ephesians 2:1), is by nature a child of wrath (
Ephesians 2:3), is at enmity with God (
Ephesians 2:15), and cannot receive spiritual things (
1 Corinthians 2:14). This is why he cannot come to Christ (
John 6:44;
John 6:65) - CARM
The basic premise is "The unbeliever will never freely choose God in his sinfulness" and everything that follows is logical and Biblical support for WHY the unbeliever will never freely choose God in his sinfulness. That is why the word "because" immediately appears after the premise.
The FIRST reason was "because the heart of the unbeliever is wicked and deceitful" and is supported by the scripture found at (
Jeremiah 17:9). So let's look at that verse:
Jeremiah 17:9, "The heart is more deceitful than all else and is desperately sick. Who can understand it?"
CARM claims "the heart of the unbeliever is wicked and deceitful" and Jeremiah wrote "
The heart is more deceitful than all else and is desperately sick". I think I would say that Jeremiah supports the claim of CARM concerning the basic human heart.
Ultimately, it comes down to a belief that God has to do something to fix what is so messed up in mankind that we have no hope of fixing it ourselves. That means God has to make the first move and draw a filthy child into His embrace to teach us how to love Him. That's what is at the core of the "Doctrines of Grace".