Yet from reading your posts here, I believe this is the scenario that has actually played out:
Your husband gets a hold of John MacArthur, John Piper, and R.C. Sproul soteriology books and starts to disagree with you. He insists you are wrong in your synergism soteriology and will argue with you over this one. What do you do?? No, what would you do? Imagine you had no control over him getting these books. He just keeps buying and buying them.
Evan, I saw a video you posted in which you were preaching free will. So you have had a change in view. Granted, probably before you got married.
But, I think you have a "do as I say, not as I do" approach to wanting your wife to submit.
Are you at your church because God called you there?
If not, then you have not submitted to God in the matter. Preferring to make things better in your own strength and understanding.
If God has called you there, then you have not submitted to your church authority.
The church I'm at, God called me there. I knew it 3 years before he actually made the way. I trusted Him in it, even knowing that we were at odds doctrinally.
The most impressive thing about my pastor, upon talking to him about moving, was his insistence that I was not there on my own accord. He wanted to talk to my previous pastor to make sure I was not running away from a church, running away from strife, running away from sin.
From the word go, I submitted to him as pastor. I brought up the possibility of doctrinal disagreement, and he wanted to have some long chats about it, and I agreed.
Going into those chats, I assured him - knowing that God has called me here, I am fully aware that He has not called me here to challenge authority, to argue incessantly, or to make disciples after myself.
In other words, I submitted to his authority as my pastor because I submitted to God's authority first.
After our sessions began, I came to realize that he and I were in almost complete agreement doctrinally. He had begun to back away from some long-held positions. And without knowing when I first knew God had called me there, he told me that he had begun praying for God to bring men there who could teach. It was at the same time.
I respect him greatly, and I still have the same attitude. He trusts me, too.
I believe that if God called you there, He did so for the purpose of unity and harmony - not strife.
If you're having strife, it's because either God never called you there or you are not honoring the authority to which He called you.
Either way, it's not His will. And you cannot expect your wife to be on board with someone who is running around in his own strength