But Bob, you know yourself that what a sect actually teaches and believes is found in it's congregations attitudes and practices. You yourself know this just from dealing with RCC Christians, look at Utilyan for example, he believes a person can reject Jesus Christ and still be saved by their good works, and there is not one Catholic here on this board that stepped in to correct him, even though the RCC "official" statements declare to be directly from the bible.
Take yourself for example, why don't you eat pork? You will say because God said not to eat it and quote scripture. Ok. Now tell us what would happen to YOU, not others, but YOU if YOU should decide to go ahead and eat pork from now forward? Would YOU be damned? If your answer is No, then you agree it does not matter if you eat pork or not as far as salvation goes. If you say Yes, then you believe you are saved by your ability to keep certain commandments.