I wish it were that easy. Poncho posts a lot of stuff. Watch for the threads he originates. Notice the number of people that view the thread and the number of responses. Hardly anyone pays attention to him but it doesn't stop him.
Yeah you're right look at all these threads Poncho started.
500 pages and hardly any replies at all.
Replies aren't important anyway. What is important is that people get a chance to hear more than one side of the story and get a more complete picture of what's going on around them. Even if it seems crazy at first. Who knows maybe all that "conspiracy" talk lead to this . . .
From the same website . . . “Participating in a UN advocated planning process would very likely bring out many of the conspiracy- fixated groups and individuals in our society… This segment of our society who fear ‘one-world government’ and a UN invasion of the United States through which our individual freedom would be stripped away would actively work to defeat any elected official who joined ‘the conspiracy’ by undertaking LA21. So we call our process something else, such as comprehensive planning, growth management or smart growth.”
J. Gary Lawrence, advisor to President Clinton’s Council on Sustainable Development.
In fact I have heard about Agenda 21, basically a liberal dreamland of how they think nations can all hold hands, sing Kumbaya, and save the environment. Agenda 21 is another in a long line of UN Resolutions, meant to be guidelines that nations could adopt or reject as they see fit. It is not a treaty, nor does it have any kind of enforcement mechanism. I doubt that any legislator, when considering environmental policy is going to consult the UN's Agenda 21 for guidance.
So either you are agreeing with J. Gary Lawrence, advisor to President Clinton’s Council on Sustainable Development or you've fallen for one of the oldest tricks in the books. Using pleasant sounding euphemisms to deceive us into thinking we're getting something good for us when in reality it's bad for us. And we're not talking about a "liberal agenda" here ITL even though you'd like very much for people to think so. We're talking about a GLOBALIST agenda. Liberals are just the tree hugging hippies and trendies that have been duped by the GLOBALISTS to go along with undermining our national sovereignty and individual rights in the name of "saving the wetlands" or "fighting global warming".
You go on and on about how stupid liberals are then give them credit for "dreaming" up a grand "conspiracy" against us all even while you claim there are no grand conspiracies against any of us. Make up your mind.
So which is it then? Are you agreeing with J. Gary Lawrence or have you been duped by him too? At any rate you sure are bound and determined to keep "conspiracy - fixated" groups like the RNC from being heard. Thankfully you are having little to no effect.
I find it hard to resist as I grew up in a house that clung to a lot of conspiracy theories. I worry that some newbies will read his stuff and think this is the mindset of BB. But yeah, advice taken, hopefully I will heed it.
You should talk ITL. Have you no shame at all?
You didn't seem to worried that newbies might get the idea that breaking several BB posting rules by putting people on the ignore list then stalking them around the board flaming and making personal attacks against them for months was the mindset of BB.
Admit it. You were quite surprised when you couldn't talk others into doing the same. Weren't you?
What did you think the mindset of BB was at that time? Breaking the rules flaming people and making personal attacks while hiding behind the ignore button was okay because a "certain" poster didn't share your views?
What kind of example is that to set for newbies?