No as a babe I do not have all the right words and why I would not label others as false converts. But doctrine does matter. Doctrine does mean something and while it may not mean much to you, God gave us an entire book on doctrine called Romans.
Babes can be taught better in the church no doubt but in the meantime why applaud a testimony that is not Biblical?
I think a key problem in church is a lack of doctrine. Do churches teach systematic theology and basic theology these days? Very few unfortunately so no wonder people are ignorant.
ITL answered better than I will; but I'm gonna answer anyway.
In the context of your opening post, how long have the testimony-givers had to study and understand the doctrine of Romans?
If only a short time, will their understanding not change and mature as they grow and mature in the Lord? If so, is their testimony worthless until they've matured to an acceptable level?
If after a long period of time, and their testimony still sounds like that of a babe in Christ, is that because they've reached their maximum level of understanding? Is their testimony then worthless?
How do we know they've reached their maximum level of understanding? Because we've taken the time to know them. How do we know their testimony has matured? Because we've known them for a while, and taught them, and worked with them.
These are just two of the arguments I could work into this.
If you don't know the person, but you refuse to applaud their testimony because they don't use the words you want to hear--are you the pharisee or the publican?
All the pharisee knew about the other man was that he was a publican; yet, which one did Jesus say went away justified?
Doctrine is important to ALL of us. Your little snipes at me, rather than discussing your arguments, only point out your immaturity.
I countered your opening post with a parable from Jesus Himself pointing out the hypocrisy of raising yourself above others because you're more religious than they are, and you immediately decided I was being sarcastic, and obviously got your feelings hurt.
My sole intent at the time was to get you to think about the subject from another angle, in a different way; but you prefer to think the worst of those that disagree with you, rather than accept the challenge, defend yourself, and possibly change others' minds in the process.
Get a thicker skin, and be prepared to defend your faith, rather than talk about rabbits and other such nonsense.