That's your two cents, and you're entitled to it, but to accuse others of having a problem with scripture based on one's view of genesis, or on one's view of arminianism, or one's view of the tribulation, or millenialism, or any other non-essential topic is categorically out of line. These are nonessentials in scripture, and therefore subject to liberty (that baptist distintive we frequently preach but seldom apply). Victorious said "Black and white is good on the essentials. Grace and pliability on the non-essentials." That is very true, and very important.
This isn't one of your "liberty" items that you love to talk about Johnv. God created man as stated in Genesis. There were no intermediate steps between God creating and man being in existence. There was not an evolutionary process where man went through a series of transformations.
If you don't believe that God created man directly, without any evolutionary help, you aren't a Christian...simple as that.