I have a hard time believing that there was absolutely no death before the fall. I'm sure Adam accidentally stepped on an insect a time or two. Or an animal slipped next to a cliff. Or an insect got trapped in the sap of a tree.
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"It is not clear from Scripture whether insects receive the designation nephesh that people and most animals receive in Genesis. The Hebrew word nephesh basically means “breathing creature,” but Leviticus 17:11 states that “the life [nephesh] is in the blood,” so it is possible that nephesh life must have blood. Scripture never uses “blood” in reference to invertebrates and, in an everyday sense, in-vertebrates don’t actually have blood. It might be implied from this that insects may have died before the Fall. However, this is unlikely as God only gave “every green herb for food” to all animals, including “everything that creeps on the earth, in which there is life” (Gene-sis 1:29–30). So it would appear that nothing ate insects in the pre-Fall world."
Did Adam Step on an Ant Before the Fall?
God said that creation was good and it would not be good if there were pitfalls.