I LIVED with them. I ate on their tables, slept under their roofs, in the Philippines, and if you don't know, Filipino muslims are Sunnis.
I have had one tell me that he would kill his own mother for money, I have seen one rape his own cousin, and then gouge her eye out, I have had a dorm mate who stole from us just because we were not Muslims.
I have worked with a couple here in the States who'd sneer at Americans in contempt and disgust when they think I was the only one who can see and hear them, thinking because I wasn't American, and Asian, then I'm probably in sympathy with them.
I have ridden daily, for a year, with one, who would point out stupid looking American youth in their stupidly colored hair and torn jeans and unkempt appearance, or at the homeless, and tell me, sarcasm dripping from his lips: there is the future of America.
I have seen my birth city accept these people, ostensibly fleeing from the war in the South of my birth country, and turn a once beautiful, clean and relatively peaceful city, into a dirty, crime-ridden one.
I have seen them act civil and reasonable WHEN THEY ARE THE MINORITY, and turn 180 degrees when they think they have the numbers.
I do not need Fox News and any right wing talk radio to tell me how I am to view Muslims.
So, you are ridiculous.
You call out those who do not trust ANY Muslim, when you know NOTHING of my experiences with them.