Probably a lot of the rioters were plants. Another Soros circus. Two lunatic fringes supposedly fighting against each other and then the race card gets pulled again. Most Americans want nothing to do with this and what started it but rather leave things alone.
Back in the 1990's I detested Hillary's proposed health care plan for the nation not only because the Federal government should not be in health care, but because my general distaste for most things medical to begin with (and trying to shove it down my throat). When Obama got in and tried his version, then those of us who opposed it were now racists. Ideological differences, not racial.
Back in the 1990's I detested Hillary's proposed health care plan for the nation not only because the Federal government should not be in health care, but because my general distaste for most things medical to begin with (and trying to shove it down my throat). When Obama got in and tried his version, then those of us who opposed it were now racists. Ideological differences, not racial.