The Migrant Caravan's Math Problem
It is impossible to do an average of 48 miles a day, which is what it would take to be where they are now. Where is the drone footage of what is really going on? Anyone who has hiked with a pack knows that 15 miles is a good day. Thru-hikers on the Appalachian Trail slowly work up to 12-16 miles a day, & MAY get a couple of 20 mile days over the course of months to do it. Fake news will really out itself covering this miracle.
Yes, before I saw the article you posted I began to be suspicious myself.
Anyone who has been in the military and been on bivouac should be.
This is largely a disorganized crowd of civilians.
Trying to organize a military jaunt of 1500 miles would be difficult enough with all the required food, water, latrine supplies, etc, etc, etc...
Looking at a relief map the caravan is 1/10th to 1/20th to their destination depending on what that is.
I am beginning to think this "caravan" will greatly peter out once it gets into more rural terrain.
Seems like ts a 7000 man march to Mexico.
We shall see.
The one item that triggered my suspicion is the latrine requirements for 7000+ people.
I won't get crude but something fails the smell test with this "caravan" so-called.
While watching a talking head this AM she shrieked "it's mostly women and children!!" but while she went on in her hysterics a camera was recording the marchers going by in another panel - they WERE ALL MEN with one or two women IN TOTAL for several minutes.