chuck2336 said:
I am sure you are right on this, BUT I do not remember any bills that went through unread that it was made this public. (The fact no one read the bill) Even the media seems to be crying foul on this.
Before anyone post on this do not give me the "Bush did this or Bush did that" Give me the bill that went through so I can look it up for myself.
I am curious though where are all the Obama supporters on this. Do they think it is fine and dandy to spend over 700 Billion dollars on a bill that no one has read through?
That's not what I was responding to, he said...
Congressional staff wrote the bill, presumably the staffs of Pelosi and Reid. It is doubtful that anyone in Congress knows what is in the bill. It is written in a language that only a staffer could understand. The truth is that this country is basically run by Washington bureaucrats.
I personally don't believe this bill was as unread as we are being made to believe. I think the GOP is snow balling us again.
We know the original bill was read by the GOP which is how they know it gave money for condoms etc... Same with the bill that originally went before the Senate. They waved it in the air and told us about all the junk that was in it. So this leaves the few changes that were made in the back room deal and when both houses reconciled.
So the basic or 95% of the bill was the same since only education and Septars entries were made in the back room deal (not much reading there) and the Senate bill was basically the reconciled deal since they needed the 3 Republican's votes to get it to pass.
Also, these bills are done on computers which means everyone in both houses has access to see it as it's being drafted. The only part that wasn't on the computer were the two hand written entries on a couple of pages. I'm sure it didn't take much time to read a couple of hand written entries.
I don't buy this thing that no one read this bill. Someone wrote it so I know they knew what was in it. I thin this is more GOP fear mongering...