Well as Obamma said none of it is his fault!
Thanks for that fantastically informative addition to this wonderful discussion.
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Well as Obamma said none of it is his fault!
:laugh: You started the thread and then subsequently derailed it with your very next post. I'd love to let you frame it but you have done a horrible job in doing that. You haven't referenced your original post one time in here.
Reconcile your first and second post and I'll eat crow. That is all I ask. I suspect I will be waiting for for quite some time.
There is nothing to reconcile and no need to eat crow.
When I read the source article, my only thought was how poorly Obama takes criticism. How defensive and thin skinned he is. I believe that comes largely from an elitest attitude that resents any disagreement.
I explained that in my second post. I also made it clear I differed with the source article in that I believed we had been arming the syrian rebels. But that information really had nothing much to do with the reason I posted the article.
I added a remark that illustrated my distrust of Obama because of his terrorist sympathies. You took that remark and ran with it...
and here we are.
Could I have been clearer? Perhaps.
Could you have asked for clarification before posting a snarky comment? I think so.
You are new here, appear to be pretty intelligent and are very sure of yourself. You present a lot of your remarks as if there is no room for disagreement. You'll find that is not the case. People will disagree with you. You'll also find that some of us rarely say anything we can't back up. It would be a mistake to think otherwise. If it's an opinion, we usually say so. A couple of people posting here never back up anything they say. I consider them trolls. They are here to disrupt, not discuss.
Welcome to the board. Intelligent discourse is always welcome.
You have to admit that you are a radical.
As far as Obama being a terrorist sympathizer. Nope. He is currently rescuing Christian refugees from a mountain range while killing the terrorist that surround them. Now, how has he played some risky shellgames in the middle east? Yes, and the United States has a history of this biting them dating back to the Carter administration. Every president that tries to get out ahead of a crisis by backing a certain usually ends up regretting it. These people are no more guilty of being terrorist sympathizers than Obama. We have done the same thing in South America. It's kind of our thing.
Thank you for the welcome.
Back to Hillary and Obama a minute, Victor Davis Hanson seems correct that she is attacking because she cannot defend her own record.