Appreciate Your Candidness
In another thread I got to thinking about things scripture does not make clear of give full details about.
For example:
I do not know why demons act the way they do around people even today or specifically what they want. We know that Satan has his agenda but not much more.
I do not know the mechanics of salvation. I know that we preach the gospel and some people receive it and some do not.
I am ok with not knowing these things scripture does not make clear.
Post about the things you see in scripture that you do not know because scripture is unclear.
*Note - Do not attack another position because you think you do know. Keep it to what you do not know. you, I have to admit that there is a great many things I do not know, and just because I have a BA in Religion, or I'm an ordained preacher with the title, "Reverend!" that does not mean I have ALL the answers.
I do think I understand the supernatural warfare going on around us, and why demons do what they do, however! They, felt that their leader was worth leaving the comfort and safety of heaven, thousands of years ago, and it is quite clear that they are committed and dedicated to taking as many of God's fallen children to hell with them. Misery loves company, and I see them following a mission, similar to that given in Matthew 28:16-20, to go and make followers of evil.
Jesus explained best, the work of the devil and his minions/cohorts in John 10:10 - "The thief [Satan and his followers] come only to
steal (
steal the peace of knowing, loving and following God) and
kill (
the opportunity to find Gods Grace by causing them to REJECT God's plan of salvation and pardon from sin) and
destroy (
as Jesus said in Matthew 7:13-14, the road to "Destruction'" is wide and there will be many more on that road than the lesser traveled Narrow Path to heaven); I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full."
Like Satan, his minions/cohorts/demons do not have the omnipresent powers of God nor the omnipotent abilities; they make to do with what they have, and work late into the night [metaphorically speaking] to bring as many with them as they can possibly influence. And this does not mean that all that have been influenced by Satan, and his armies are pure evil. Many of these folks are "Well meaning; good intentioned" folks which have bought the lie of atheism, false religions, cults, etc.
Now, that is where my knowledge of Satan's (well) hidden agenda fades. I can assume that he knows his life on earth will one-day end, and regardless of the large number of humans, he gets to reject God in his reign on earth, like with the Borg [in Start Trek], "Resistance is futile!" and in the end, throngs of fallen angels and those humans that bought the lie to reject God at all costs, will still burn in the lake of fire!
I can only assume he is trying to make a point and be able to say, in the end while he burns in hell, that he could take a large portion of Gods the most precious creation - humans- along with him, by getting them to deny Jesus and His Father for no matter what the reasons. It seems to be an ego trip, and like I said, misery loves company!
It is also possible that over the thousands of years of fighting against God, that Satan has become somewhat delusional, maybe he and his demons think that there is power in numbers, and that the numbers will balance the power struggle between him and God, and that with all these created beings now stuck with a future of burning in hell, they will make one final assault against God to take over the heavens a dislodge God and his Angels and the family of believers from the eternity God promised!
Nevertheless, that is the problem with a person who has fallen captive of delusions. In the end, they will see their delusion crash and burn!
Still, there is no doubt in my mind that we are involved in a supernatural battle while we walk this earth. Which is why so many verses in Paul's writings address this war, and the tools need to deflect the fiery arrows of the enemy and be victorious in the end?!
Rev....this is why I stand by the Biblical World View of the Bible and its message. I choose to believe it simply because God and His Word said it! I don't know how a fish could swollow a man and spit him up on a beach a few days later? I don't know how one old man and his family could have built such a fantastic boat and gathered and cared for all those animals, let alone believe it would raing after all those many years!
I don't know what will happen when I die, other than the promise that I'll be with Him!. How that works and what happens, as well as what we'll do with eternity on our hands, still has a ring of mystery to it. But, if God said it! it will be done!
I don't understand how God can heal someone and raise them from their death bed while hundreds or thousands of others who believe as much as, or maybe even more then the one who was healed, and still die?
I don't know if the rapure wil come before, in the middle of or after the tribulation, but I know it's coming and I need to be ready!
I don't know Greek or Hebrew, BUT, I have seen those who know it, and speak and use it fluently to interpret the Word, gradually fall away from the simplicity of the Word and their once found faith!
Like you said, there is not much you understand on some things, but, like you, I think that is acceptable so long as we never forget that no matter what, God is still God, and what He said about the important things like salvation, and heaven will not change one iota!