still perplexed
we average 20,000 to 60,000 flu deaths per flu season.
what are/is the difference which causes the panic??
Personal opinion:
1) MSM blabbering; trying to pin something, ANYTHING on Trump to hopefully get him rejected in November;
2) 24/7 coverage of 19, not only keeping the public "informed" but also reporting(?) like this is the only problem in this world today!!
3) The dim elite (Pelosi, Shiff et al) using this for political gain (never let a crisis go to waste!

Years ago I used to be extremely "environmentally" minded, but the radicals took over the mission and almost got me (note - ALMOST) to wanting to just pour the used oil from my car onto the ground. Same with PETA!!
The abuse, IMHO, of this virus seems to me to be getting scarily close to the above noted - a true problem, BUT being used as a "tool" to get political points through the back door that would never be accepted coming through the front door!
Thank goodness HE is still in charge!!
Edited to add: I blame both R, D, & I for this, though the Ds are primarily the offensive ones! (pun intended