The Critical Greek text, and those 2 that you mentioned ,
You seem to have created a false dichotomy. The over emphasis on the Alexandrian Texrform, and the redacting of the manuscripts representing that textform, from divergent sources, is what created the Critical text.
Think the Critical text was really corrupted crowdhave bought/took the Ole KJVO koolade!
I think you may have jumped to an unwarranted conclusion regarding the foundations of, and the descent of, the Critical text. The Critical text is a construct.
To quote Wilber Pickering, writing in "The Identity of the New Testament Text," page 21, where he quotes Dr. Merrill M. Parvis (University of Chicago Divinity School, Federated Theological faculty), "We have reconstructed text-types and families and sub families and in so doing have created things that never before existed on earth or in heaven. We have assumed that manuscripts reproduced themselves according to the Mendelian law. But when we have found that a particular manuscript would not fit into any of our nicely constructed schemes, we have thrown up our hands and said that it contained a mixed text." (M.M. Parvis, "The Nature and Task of New Testament Textual Criticism," The Journal of Religion, XXXII (1952), 173.)
In other words, the Critical text is a constructed text that has no historical reality but rather is a combination of the variant readings from a variety of manuscripts that have no other relation to one another which came into existence only in the mind of the redactor and was then put on paper. (In all fairness the TR, in its present form, is based on a similar, but lesser by several orders of magnitude, redacting done first by Erasmus (although even Hort said Erasmus didn't do any modern, scientific textual criticism but merely passed along the universally accepted text), then by a number of editors, culminating with F. H. A. Scrivener's TR presently published by the Trinitarian Bible Society.)
Unlike the Critical text, the Byzantine textform can be shown to have existed and been in virtually constant usage by the Greek speaking church for over 1,000 years. And the necessary editing was limited to the selection, by application of rational rules of textual criticism, between two equally attested variant readings.
And none of this has anything at all to do with KJVOism. In fact, I made an earlier reference to Dr. Maurice Robinson, Retired Research Professor of New Testament Greek at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary and editor of
The Greek New Testament According to the Byzantine Textform, who stated quote forcefully, regarding KJVOism, "I consider [KJVOism] illogical sophistry, conspiracy theories, and agenda-driven propagandistic blather."
And, of course, he is correct.