Senate Investigated 5th Kavanaugh Accuser – UPDATE: Man Apologizes For Hoax Against Kavanaugh!
"Update: The man who made these allegations just apologized and admitted he made a mistake!
Here we go…
A 5th Kavanaugh accuser surfaced Wednesday evening shortly after the 4th anonymous accuser was reported by NBC.
The Senate this week investigated a 5th sexual assault allegation against Brett Kavanaugh.
This time, a male wrote a letter to his Senator friend that a female friend was assaulted on a boat in Rhode Island in 1985 by “two heavily inebriated men she referred to at the time as Brett and Mark.”
Kavanaugh denied the latest allegation against him.
The man who wrote the letter to the Senator said he and another individual hunted down Brett and Mark at the harbor and “physically confronted the two men, leaving them with significant injuries.”
You can’t make this up…thank you, Grassley for capitulating to the Democrats and turning the confirmation of Kavanaugh into a circus!
Another accusation against Kavanaugh that he was asked about by Senate staffers this week: an alleged rape on a boat in Rhode Island in 1985. Kavanaugh denies.
— Jennifer Epstein (@jeneps)
September 26, 2018
It gets better–there is a plot twist…A senior Democrat aide told a Congress reporter for Politico there’s a concern the GOP is “now releasing anonymous allegations in an effort to make all allegations look frivolous. We’re focusing on the ones that have names attached.”
Senior Senate Dem aide tells me there's a concern the GOP is "now releasing anonymous allegations in an effort to make all allegations look frivolous. We’re focusing on the ones that have names attached."
Jennifer Epstein on Twitter
— Elana Schor (@eschor)
September 26, 2018
Here’s a list of Kavanaugh’s accusers…what a disaster!
Kavanaugh’s accusers:
1. Christine Blasey Ford: says he tried to rape her
2. Deborah Ramirez: says he exposed his penis
3. Julie Swetnick: says he was there when she was gang raped
4. Unknown: says he assaulted a woman while drunk
5. Unknown: says he assaulted a woman on a boat
— AJ+ (@ajplus)
September 27, 2018
The guy just recanted!
This man apologized for claiming his friend was sexually assaulted by Judge Kavanaugh.
Man Apologizes For Claiming Kavanaugh Sexually Assaulted His Friend, Says He ‘Made A Mistake’
— The Daily Caller (@DailyCaller)
September 27, 2018"