First Boston's Menino admits defeat...
Mow look at Rahm Emanuel.....
On the heels of a scathing statement that Chick-fil-A does not share Chicago's values because of their anti-gay marriage stance, Rahm Emmanuel has reversed himself and forged a public partnership with the openly religious enterprise that condemned Barack Obama's position on gay marriage as an endorsement of sinful behavior.
So sayeth looney tunes anti-semite and UFO abuctee, Louis Farrakhan.
That's right. The same person who made that statement is Rahm's brand new, bestest best buddy.
Oh, dear. Oh, dearie dear dear! What is an angry gay marriage activist to do with such troublesome information? Best to just ignore it, I suppose....
Mow look at Rahm Emanuel.....
On the heels of a scathing statement that Chick-fil-A does not share Chicago's values because of their anti-gay marriage stance, Rahm Emmanuel has reversed himself and forged a public partnership with the openly religious enterprise that condemned Barack Obama's position on gay marriage as an endorsement of sinful behavior.
So sayeth looney tunes anti-semite and UFO abuctee, Louis Farrakhan.
Minister Louis Farrakhan recently responded to President Obama’s endorsement of gay marriage calling him "the first president that sanctioned what the scriptures forbid."
Mayor Rahm Emanuel on Wednesday welcomed the army of men dispatched to the streets by Farrakhan to stop the violence in Chicago neighborhoods.