I would do anything short of killing an enemy to stop the rape or murder of my wife too.
Here you say you would anything short of "killing your enemy" to stop the rape and murder of your wife. Why would you stop there if that was necessary to stop the violence toward your wife? Love? John of Japan has given you an order of love, God, family, neighbor, enemy and it seems you would prefer to put the enemy at the top of that list? You really need to address why you draw this line with reason other than "love your enemy" because you do not seem to factor in the higher order of love.
Only I would not use violence nor kill the enemy I'm supposed to love.
You just said you would do "anything short of killing", did you not? Define "anything" in such a situation, please? You need to take your thinking beyond love of your enemy and factor in your love for wife, both of which are instructed with deep meaning in the Bible. It is like you are using blinders to avoid distinguishing between where the higher love should rest. Just a thought, but my view of you claiming to allow your wife to be raped and murdered by stopping short of violence or killing, whichever extreme is necessary to protect your wife, is in fact doing violence to your wife by not protecting her with every ounce of strength you have even if it means your own death!
So if you are a thug, count me as one too.
Just a friendly reminder,you seem to be pretty well mannered in your debate, but be aware some here may get easily frustrated and twist anything you say into an accusation and use it for a debate tactic that is known as a Reverse Ad Hominem to accuse you of personal attacks and breaking the rules. .