My revelation was in 1978. I don't have a revelation about covid or vaccines. I just make personal decisions based on information I personally find valid and observations of my
my revelation was in march ‘20
then my revelation was validated w knowledge about 8 months later.
Contracting the disease is not relevant to my comment.
I work at a site that had over 1100 employees. Of these over 1000 have been vaccinated without any serious side effects. 16 unvaccinated have died. The vacvinated who were covid positive had mild symptoms and returned to work quickly. Most of the unvaccinated who became ill had mild cases and returned to work as well. But the ones hospitalized and the ones who died were unvacvinated.
But time will tell. All of the employees at the site are now vaccinated.
I also believe the vacvines carry serious risks. I have a relative who has been hospitalized for effects after a vaccination. He received a double dose but it has caused serious complications.