I Love An Atheist
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This Is How We'll Survive After Robots Have Taken Our Jobs
"Automation thus shrinks employment income while growing investment income. That means that strategies for radically broadening ownership will play an extremely important role in mitigating the threat of wide-scale declines in income from technological unemployment. That’s why extending cooperatives into the technology sector is so critical and where platform co-ops can play a vital role."
Well, "platform co-ops" are one idea. Another is "universal basic income". How thoughtful of so many intellectuals and visionaries to plan ahead this way on our behalf! (sarcasm)
Elon Musk says Robots will Push Us to a Universal Basic Income—Here’s How It Would Work
"Burger flippers, truck drivers, and cashiers are going to be out of work in the coming decades, thanks to the accelerating pace of robotics and automation technology, some experts warn.
And as large swaths of the population lose their jobs, the only viable solution might be for the government to institute a universal basic income, which would mean paying every resident a fixed amount of money to cover their needs."
"Automation thus shrinks employment income while growing investment income. That means that strategies for radically broadening ownership will play an extremely important role in mitigating the threat of wide-scale declines in income from technological unemployment. That’s why extending cooperatives into the technology sector is so critical and where platform co-ops can play a vital role."
Well, "platform co-ops" are one idea. Another is "universal basic income". How thoughtful of so many intellectuals and visionaries to plan ahead this way on our behalf! (sarcasm)
Elon Musk says Robots will Push Us to a Universal Basic Income—Here’s How It Would Work
"Burger flippers, truck drivers, and cashiers are going to be out of work in the coming decades, thanks to the accelerating pace of robotics and automation technology, some experts warn.
And as large swaths of the population lose their jobs, the only viable solution might be for the government to institute a universal basic income, which would mean paying every resident a fixed amount of money to cover their needs."