My offer to send you a NT free of charge still stands.
In the NT you will find the KEY to eternal life.
This is NOT found in any denomination.
Thanks, but again, I already have a Bible which I read most every day.
It tells me that the key to eternal life is not "in the New Testament" ( i.e.
through studying His word )...
in a Person, the Son of the Living God, Jesus Christ ( John 14:6 ).
The Scriptures
bear witness of Him.
He tells us to study His word, not to know Him, but to know more
about Him ( and to rightly divide His words, 2 Timothy 2:15 ) and because we
already know Him.
Finally, I'm not a "denominational Christian".
I'm a child of the living God, saved by His grace and mercy.
The NT + Holy Spirit leads to spiritual understanding and eternal life.
Spiritual understanding is something granted by God through the new birth and the Holy Spirit's indwelling ( Matthew 13:10-11, 1 Corinthians 2:6-16 ).
The Bible does not
lead to it, God does ( Proverbs 9:10 )
through His power, and
using His word.
See James 1:18.
Eternal life is to know God and His Son ( John 17:2 )...
It is a spirit-to-spirit relationship, not something that someone can "jump start" by reading God's word.
The Lord does the "jump-starting" by calling His elect
through His word and
by the power of the Spirit.
Which leads me to a question...
Have you been "called", Samuels?
It happens all-of-a-sudden-like, when someone is sitting in front of the preaching of God's word and they realize that
His words are true and that they are a sinner in need of a Saviour...
And they believe on Christ for the forgiveness of their sins.
I've never forgotten that moment;
It was in May of 1978.
But, you must be OPEN ... and NOT have any false pre-conceived ideas, doctrines, etc
No man is open to God's word unless they are "of God" ( John 8:43-47 ).
Outside of God opening the heart ( Acts of the Apostles 16:14 ) we will not hear His words.
Again, may He bless you greatly in your studies, my friend.