The skin of the truth stuffed with a lie. True that most welfare recipients are white because whites are still the majority.
It may be illegal for illegals to get welfare but they get it anyway. Are the leftist Democrats going to deny illegals medicine, food, shelter, and education?
Why work if you can get welfare--look at corn farmers who have a guaranteed market for corn in government mandated ethanol, which ethanol is so harmful to the environment? Franklin Delano Roosevelt himself, who invented modern socialistic welfare, said that welfare was a narcotic, a subtle destroyer of the human soul. Democrats never tire of ruining lives with the narcotic of welfare because they hope to force welfare recipients to vote Democrat as a condition of supplying more narcotic welfare to the hapless recipient. The Democrats approve of same-sex marriage and abortion because they don't care what happens to the victims of those hideous practices. Sooner or later the author of this thread will support the death penalty for those who disapprove of his ideas for a white socialist utopia like Minnesota (not a brown socialist utopia like Cuba or Venezuela).