*************************************************Well, if you think you're better off, cojosh, I'm sure all of the servers will agree that you should do what is better for you and stay home.********************************************
Like it or not, restaurants operate on the concept of tipping. If you aren't going to tip, you shouldn't accept such services. Using those services is part of an unspoken bargain, and you have broken your end of the bargain and been dishonest by refusing to tip.
Unspoken bargain????? That's an interesting concept, but I don't believe that I'll be held responsible for a bargain that I never agreed to. I don't recall anyone ever confronting me with this bargain that you speak of.
I've had jobs were individuals would tip me, but I never expected it. In fact I tried to refuse it. Why? I feel like I should do my job well, because it is my responsibility as an employee. I don't have a problem with waiters/waitresses, but I do have a problem with the idea that I have to leave a tip. Sometimes I do, sometimes I don't. It's my money, it's my choice. God has placed that money in my hand to be a good steward. I can truthfully say that God doesn't want me to tip due to an idea that people will dislike me if I don't.
Maybe I should stay at home, because the restaurant buiz doesn't make any since to me. Working for $2.50 an hour???? That's like slave labor. When I eat out I'm supporting slave labor!!!
You know I'd like to get in on this tipping deal. Hey I got an idea. My wife is a school teacher. Her services to this community and nation are a lot more important than someone that brings a glass a water to the table. We all know that teachers are under paid. I'll send a tip jar to school with her, she can put it on her desk. Then she could send a note home with all her students, and let them know that if they want to continue to receive good educational service they'd better consider tipping. I thought I'd be nice enough to make an actual bargain with them, rather than wait for the "unspoken bargain fairy" to make her rounds throughout the community. Funny she never made to my house. Hey, I appreciate all of your posts.
It's been fun!!!