Santa Claus, or St. Nicholas of Myra, was indeed an historical figure and a true Christian martyr. My kids have not been harmed by the stories or figures of Santa. They've always been taught that the myths surrounding St. Nicholas are just that. They never believed that there was a jolly old elf living at the North Pole who delivered gifts to all the good boys and girls of the world, and they endured a scolding from the neighbor lady for informing her daughter of the facts.
They enjoy knowing facts about legend and how his depictions evolved into the American icon created by Haddon Sundblom for Coca-Cola advertisements. Here is one of their favorites in which I photoshopped my face into Santa, and the face of my youngest daughter into the elf carrying the toy block.
I think banning depictions and stories of Santa from the home is a bit extreme.
Why are his eyebrows brown?