You have some interesting angles on tithing, tl. Let me begin by saying I agree -- we're in the era of giving what God tells us to give.
toughlove said:
The tithing ordinance was for Israel only and given by Moses from Mount Sinai (Leviticus 27:30-34).
Well, techincally Abraham gave a "tithe" -- and that is what it was called -- to Melchisedek out of the "spoils of war." But the priest angle still holds.
Today, preachers have taken the tithing burden off the Land and put it on God’s people. We are not under the Mosaic Covenant of Law, but under Grace (Rom.6:14; Gal.5:18).
One truth that often gets missed is that Judaism was the government, secular, so far as welfare is concerned. Islam appears to have "copied" that heritage. And Christians don't deny that we ought to pay our taxes as being part of our responsibility to our "nation."
And tithing as a "guideline" seems to be much as under the law regarding the way churches "impose" it. Even in the OT, there were other freewill offerings making the tithe a "baseline" amount. it always erks me when preachers say we are not under the law but ought to give at least as much as OT saints -- which rationale in actuality is applying the OT law to us!
Going back under Mosaic Law brings a curse (Gal.3:10). If you pick one Mosaic Law to be under, you must keep them ALL, including circumcision, not eating ham, ceasing work on Saturday, etc.
Absolutely!! And it negates the Spirit's speaking directly to our hearts as to how and how much to give where in support of the His work. I know many Christians to whom the Spirit has spoken about giving to soup kitchens in place of bigger buildings and bigger paid staff that our "self-indulgent" churches would like.
On the churches side of giving, then, they ought to be "competing" for that money by having fruitful, edifying, God-glorifying ministries that appeal to the Spirit that ultimately speaks to believers.
Only Israelite farmers had to bring in tithes. Hired hands, midwives, fishermen, and tradesmen did not owe any tithes. Tithes were food for the poor (Deut.14:28-29).
This is an interesting angle -- no doubt related to the "storehouse" in Mal 3 that fed the poor. That, too, would have been food -- not money that I can think of.
Every seventh year no crops would be gathered (Lev.25:1-7). Since tithes could not be collected off a non-existent harvest, people were given a year off from tithing every seventh year.
Good points! And it has always wrankled me that the church will "demand" tithes of people who are a subsistence-level incomes thereby taking food off their tables. Of course, in such situations, they usually turn around and give it back, but scripture says that the family comes first -- "He that will not take care of his own is worse than an infidel."
The Israelite priesthood did not pay tithes. Lower-ranking Levites tithed to the priests after taking getting their own tithes from the people (Num.18:25-28).
This is fairly compelling. Do you suppose that is what Zacheus was employed at who told Jesus he would give back the excess he had collected and more?
New Covenant believers are called Christ’s Royal Priesthood (I Pet.2:5,9). No apostle ever commands Christians to tithe. When Christians tithe, they deny their own priesthood in Christ Jesus.
I believe that all NT giving is freewill, love offering in nature and that the believer is to be just that involved with the "body of Christ" that he willingly, from the heart, meets the
needs of those he is called to "give cheerfully" to.
Good opening post and though this issue has been bandied about before, I think you raise some important considerations.