Bro. Greg,
This is just purely my opinion. No I would not use the terms you mentioned if I was a pastor. I think more important is the mindset of the person carrying a title. If the title gives a sense in the person of pride, arrogance, or above the average church member, then it is not the title that is evil, it is the person wearing it.
His Royal Highness,
Your Majesty :laugh: Brother Michael,
You are correct that it is not the title that is necessarily evil or wrong. Attitude is everything. I can thankfully say that my preacher/pastor/teacher is a humble man who loves the people he has been called to serve. That is why I have been a member of this church longer than any other I have ever attended. I am thankful I can say that. However, with that said I think we should avoid "labeling", "titling" these men lest they be lifted up or have opportunity to be so lifted up in pride. I can remember the late Bro.Lester Roloff (whose homes I stayed in for a year in the 80's) saying that labeling him as "Doctor" was like "trying to put whipped cream on an onion!" He said that at the Peoples Baptist Church upon his return to Corpus Christi Texas after BJU conferred an honorary doctorate on him in 1980. He was a man of true faith.
We are all a part of the priesthood of the believers and as such should hold each other in equal esteem in the Lord while being thankful for those who have surrendered their God-given abilities and talents into the service of our Lord, Master, and King. God Bless You brother.
The Very Ripe, Unreverend, Most Low Brother, Greg:laugh::saint: