The reason for boosters is to maintain a level of antibodies.
how many boosters do you routinely take?
I had a tetanus booster about 6 years ago. That's been IT.
ah, intentionally accepting the risk verses the chance of "in the wild." The virus exposure is complete ... the cv vax ... not nearly as much.Why expect long term effects from a man made vacvine but not a man made virus?
Surviving Covid is only a 99+% chance ... the spike proteins from the infection last a lot less longer than the cv vaxes ... esp with the 6 month boosters.
I'm pretty sure that's probably not a good condition. I realize you deny the spike proteins being throughout the body's systems/organs ... but even if your denial is accurate and the spike proteins are confined to the injection site, their being there pretty much continuously to keep forcing the cell-mediated response is NOT a wise long term solution.
So will the next virtue signal be "er'body gotta take their shots so we don't have to take 'em ad infinitum?" "you, non-jabber, are the reason I'm on my 8th booster!" (that's me doing like Biden but presuming the cv vaxe'd/CDC promoted outlook)