If the republican party is being "destroyed", Trump did not do it. They did it to themselves when they quit listening to the voters, republicans and independents alike. The republican partty alone has never been large enough to win any election. They left the door open for him or someone like him.
He is not like Reagan. He's not even close to being a conservative, but he is all that is standing in the way of Hillary Clinton, the nation killer.
Agreed the GOP did it to themselves and the only way they will learn is when True Conservatives stop giving their vote to thr GOP when they put RINO up for election. I am done being a pawn for thr GOP to ignore except during election time. They wanted Trump, they chose him and now they will have to deal with him without my vote. That's what is so ironic about all this. On one hand your saying that the GOP did this to themselves (which I agree since he was the establishment 3rd choice) but then you are expecting me to continue to vote for the GOP for the sake of party unity. No I'm done being taken advantage of by the GOPe. Trump does not want my vote, I don't want to give him my vote so in that one issue we agree.
And the problem with the argument of its him or Hillary is that to me they are one in the same. One just has a lot more political capital to spend and that is what scares me.
And on the other hand I live in AZ, no one is under any illusions that it's a swing State. Trump won the AZ primary (much to my husband and I disappointment) so it is no question in my mind that he will win AZ in Nov. So there is no way I could have a hand in electing Hillary.
But I do want to send a message to the GOPe by having a Write in candidate eat a little of their margins.
I will never willingly vote for a totalitarian statest democrat (even with an R by his name)
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