]Php. 1:29. There are more.
Since you take the liberty to continue to make perjorative statements "your logic isn't logical" "you have been corrected on many levels" then allow me to feel free to do the same.
Phil 1:29 is a typical verse taken out of context by Calvinist that always add to the word of God something it does not say. First of all, this verse does not say faith is a gift. In typical Calvinistic fashion, doctrinal bias is added to the word of God.
The grammatical structure of this verse shows that faith and suffering are both synonymous as being the lot that Christians are given as a result of being saved. If faith was given to us to be saved, then so also is suffering used as an instrument of salvation which is absurd, but yet that's where your interpretation leads. Furthermore, if faith is given as a gift, then so also is suffering a gift.
I would explain this verse further but it is obvious that you wouldn't understand it. I'll gladly wait for all the other verses that you think prove your illogical and misinterpreted position (Phil 2:13, Acts 13, Acts 4:26 etc..)
See above and reference it. Romans 10:17 still stands. You are wrong, and have been corrected on many levels and your arguments my friend are simply not well thought out and they just don't prove anything you are attempting to prove.
Your response did nothing to prove that Rom 10:17 was a gift. For my arguments to not be "very well thought out" you sure are having a hard time finding a verse that says faith is a gift without adding your own bias to the verse.
You erected two straw man arguments. I pointed them out and they are what I call them.
My argument is not even close to a straw man argument. I gave scriptural evidence. Man does not want to be saved, he is hostile toward God et al. I admitted to an issue since you brought it up -- the straw man was your false assumptions that I stated certain things by your assumption when in fact I never did -- yet you used them to argue against me. THAT is a straw man argument and you were beating on both of them.
No, your argument claimed that you did not say that salvation was against the will. It was on that basis that you said I erected a straw man argument. But then you recapitulated and admitted that that is what you really believe which eliminated your original premise that I created a straw man argument because I was right about your position in the first place.
A straw man argument is not bringing up something that you KNOW the opponent already believes. A straw man argument is using petty issues that are non sequitur to the issue and making the larger arguments seem less important. You could have called it presumptuous, but not straw man. You clearly have no understanding of what a straw man argument is. You were being petty by claiming I assumed something you never said and then by admitting to it proved I was right, and I was right because I have studied the issue so much I already knew what your argument was going to be.
You didn't prove anything by quoting Romans 10:17, there is nothing in that verse that supports your statement that faith is a gift. It is only right in your mind because you say so, not because the text say so.
God grants faith. Faith is evidence of being saved -- not the cause. The cause is God. I gave you Biblical evidence. But hey, you're trying hard -- you simply need to think deeper -- you're getting closer to the truth here.
Faith is the evidence of things hoped for, and things not seen. Faith is not evidence of being saved, being saved is evidence that you had faith. You again have the cart before the horse. Furthermore, you did not determine whether your evidence was internal or external.
God does not cause you to have faith. That is the exact same thing as saying He forced faith on you. When Jesus asked "Do you have faith?" He asked because it was designed to provoke a willful response. If He had "caused" their faith, there would be no need to ask if they had faith.
What God causes is salvation. God can cause the circumstance that surround faith. But faith is not based on causality. Faith is responsive. A person evaluates the facts and evidence from the word of God and then decides to believe and trust in what has been heard, and the evidence that the person believes is by turning from self (repentance) and calling upon the name of the Lord to be saved. Mark 1:15, Acts 16:31.
You have got salvation and faith totally backwards.