Your post is riddled with error. First of all, God is the Creator, and yes, it is His right to predetermine things as you put it. That fact has no connection to, nor does it make God the author of sin and evil.
The Calvinists on here have stated God Decrees ALL things, or does that simply mean the same thing as ALL means in the rest of Calvinist theology, that God only decrees SOME things, but not all. You are so inconsistent in your cherry picking of your own definitions you can't be honest enough to admit when it conflicts with common sense.
If God determines ALL THINGS, ALL means ALL things, and that includes evil, heresy, and sin. If sinners are determined to reject God and then hold them accountable to it, then He is the author of their sin. That is the OBVIOUS and COMMON SENSE conclusion to Calvinism, and like I said, A.W. PINK admitted to it, and many other Calvinist's that have a backbone do as well. They simply explain it away as one of those mysteries we'll never know. Typical evolutionist tactic, we can't explain it, but give it a billion years.
The posters on here who strongly believe in God's sovereignty and grace are not "enormously dishonest." As a matter of fact, they give God the honor, glory and sovereignty that He is due. That is the opposite of your posts, which paint God, our Savior, our Creator, as a weak, indecisive, dependent on man, God.
Your system deprives God of His sovereignty by forcing Him to make choices according to your system. God is not free do as He chooses, God MUST force some to be saved, and some to be damned. God is not permitted to create His own system whereby a sinner has free will. Libertarian free will is not possible, not because the Bible lists numerous places where free will from the BEGINNING OF CREATION exists, but because God is a slave to your man made doctrine. God can not save anyone who places their faith in Him because Calvinism turns faith into a work, which is against the clear teachings of Romans 11:6.
Calvinism consistently ADDS to the word of God, calling faith a gift, and repentance a gift when neither term if found ANYWHERE in the Bible. But that's OK because it's in TULIP and the Belgium Confession and the Westminster Confession and that means it's in the word of God, even though we can't really show you where, it's there because "Calvinism is the gospel".
You supposedly have a doctorate, able to think on your feet. Does it not sound ridiculous for a Holy God to create man, who is in a fallen state, in a finite world, to determine his own destiny? I got news for you the name DrJames is not one of those listed in Isaiah 9:6
Wow, and you accuse me of straw man arguments. Where do you get the a man who God allows to have free will to choose HIM, that He DETERMINES his own destiny? Free will was in the garden before slavery to sin was. Having free will is precisely how man can choose to resist, a concept also foreign to Calvinism despite numerous scriptures that clearly teach that Israel rejected God corporately (Isaiah 1:2, Matthew 23:39) and individually (Acts 7). Calvinism leads to being saved before you have faith.
Calvinist don't want to admit that their theology comes from Augustine and while they claim it "come from Paul" can't show one shred of proof that anyone from Polycarp, Ignatius, Tertullian, Martyr, nor anyone else from Paul to Augustine taught such non sense.
The fact there is no uniformity among Calvinism proves that the system is bogus. If being determined and ordained to salvation in the Calvinist sense means you WILL BE SAVED, then that same method of interpretation must equally apply to Eph 2:10 where God ORDAINS us to good works. Thus if the Calvinist system were consistent, no Calvinist would ever fall into sin.
Oh but wait, there's an explanation for that, they were never saved in the first place! and wallah, the Calvinist then turns ordained into a system that has to validated by works. So who's really trying to control their own destiny??