Just think, if he wins...
Should Trump get nominated, I hope the persons who support Trump will come to their senses and reject the spirit of the age before the general election.
If he gets elected, I predict:
1.) He will be completely ineffective as a leader who works with others to find common consensus. He seems to have no experience in this area. His leadership style is characterized by raw economic power, fascist rhetoric, and bullying tactics.
2.) Since he will be ineffective in Congress, he will attempt to lead through Executive Orders. Since he has such a low view of the Bill of Rights (if he understands it at all), the government leadership will be thrown into crisis to decide whether or not to obey the Executive Orders, since they will likely be unlawful.
3.) Whether or not the Orders are obeyed, they will likely get appealed through the court system quite quickly and end up before the Supreme Court, where they will likely get struck down.
4.) Congress - with broad support from both Republicans and Democrats - will look for opportunities to draw up articles of impeachment which will likely be supported by the people once they see Trump's incompetence and tyrannical leadership in action.
5.) Trump will be impeached, removed from office in a national embarrassment that will weaken the government and our prestige worldwide, and will be an enormous distraction from the real issues of human welfare, counter-terrorism, etc.
6.) Trump's running mate will inherit the office and have little to no credibility and the United States will be weaker, the Republican Party complete disgraced, and the Democratic Party in eventual leadership without an effective political counter-balance.
An alternative to this scenario will be if there is a major terrorist threat/action, Trump will seize Emergency Powers and things will be much worse.
A vote for Trump is a vote against the Bill of Rights and a rejection of the best parts of the American heritage.