Could it be that Crabby, like all liberals are scared to death of her, because the public initially responded so positively to her.
==Any Democrat or liberal who is scared to death of Sarah Palin need not be. However as a conservative I am terrified of her. Any party that nominates her in 2012 will lose. She just does not have the intellectual weight we need. After eight years of George W Bush, who I voted for, I am ready for conservatives to find someone who is ready to be thrown into the fire. Someone who can cleary explain their positions, explain why they hold those positions, and convince others to agree with them. Sarah Palin, with all due respect, just can't do that. She is a surface level politician. When she is caught off guard, ie...not coached, she swims along the surface of issues. Why? Because she has not carefully studied those issues. I still remember when Katie Couric asked her what she read and she could not give a straight answer. That was the moment I realized the truth about Palin. I voted for McCain/Palin, but I knew she was not what we needed. Anyone who has to dodge the softball "what do you read" is not ready for the big time. At least not in my opinion.
Whether she can or will attempt politics again is immaterial; she MIGHT, and they can't stand the idea of a woman that is pro-life, cooks, hunts, actually refused to abort a downs baby, etc---- may be in front of the American public for future public office.
==Yea, she cooks. She cooked through a whole interview on Fox News shortly after the campaign was over. Like she did not have time to sit down and give a proper interview. She had the time, she just wanted to show everyone that she was a normal, cooking lady. I'm sorry but I was not impressed. It was one of several episodes that only reinforced the impression I had of her. She is more politician than substance. Will she run for President? I doubt it. At least not as a major party candidate. If she were going to run for President she probably would not have resigned as governor of Alaska before she finished her first term.
I wish conservatives would find a candidate who was a serious thinker. Newt Gingrich would be a nice choice. He is a good speaker and he is a really smart man. Newt is probably the only way I would vote for a Republican for President in 2012. Otherwise I am going third party.