I can get vaxed in 15 minutes. You can never get unvaxed.
I wish it were that simple. To be declared "fully vaccinated" takes almost 6 weeks. And if we must do it under pressure on some random day, we might be forced to choose the vaccine that we least want to take, due to availability.
My situation in this desert slum is deteriorating rapidly. It is likely in the near future that I am going to be forced to become dependent on the charity of someone. Not because I did anything wrong or even preventable. The people that will be the most willing to help me will not help me if I am not vaccinated and some of them will only have close contact with me if I am vaccinated with Moderna.
I heard through the grapevine that some local pharmacies had more Moderna than needed for the wealthy and connected. I guess an unvaccinated person with almost no insurance walking into a pharmacy agreeing to Moderna and nothing else is a rare event. It took several pharmacies and walking a lot of miles through the desert and running across 8 lane highways, but I was eventually directed to a pharmacist willing to give me a vaccine of almost expired Moderna. And I have an appointment for another Moderna in 28 days, because the first dose made me eligible for the second, even if they are rationing it at that point.
Sometimes I have raw sewerage coming up my pipes. And sometimes drains that don't drain at all. I have to bail the tub into the toilet to take a shower. And the last windstorm damaged the roof. It hardly ever rains here. But when it does, it rains hard enough to cause floods. The homeless population is growing and they are defecating on the streets and if we don't leave the outside lights on all night, they particularly like a spot right next to my front door.
Six weeks feels like a very long time to be taboo to people that will only help me if I am "fully vaccinated" with Moderna. If things get suddenly worse, I don't know what happens. I surely do wish it was that simple for me to become not taboo in 15 minutes. But it is not.
Unvaccinated or vaccinated, no matter what the brand, God is in control of my life. I asked God to make clear what he wanted me to do, and to force me into his will by what those pharmacists chose to do with their rationed stock, and my lack of ability to pay for the administration of the vaccine. Yes, the medicine is free, but not the administration. I don't know what all happened, but I know that the last pharmacist was laughing a bit at me, as he himself was surprised that he could make this happen, and only right now in this window of time, when his pharmacy ordered more vaccine that they can use before it expires. Poor people don't get Moderna, here.
God made sure I knew NOT to accept the J&J that was given by people going door to door to round us up. It was 108 degrees and I had a migraine to bad that I was not able to walk to the bathroom never mind across the street. I thanked God for the clear direction.
I did my best this time, also, to discern his will. It is in His hands what happens to me next. All of it.