I am against the repeal of Obamacare. I think we should fix what is broken and keep what works.
I agree with you. Maybe we can find a middle ground. Actually, many of the changes the GOP wants in Obamacare were in Obama's original bill. He had to cut it in order to break the deadlock and get something passed. Two that come to mind are allowing insurance companies to sell across state borders and instigating tort reform to reduce the number of outrageous malpractice suits filed without merit that drive up the cost of malpractice insurance. Another thing that needs to be done is to bring the Medicare and Medicaid payment to doctors to bring them more in line with current costs. But costs need to brought down. One thing that can be done is to more fully implement new technology in our healthcare system.
My roommate in college got a EE degree and then went to Med school as did his girlfriend and now wife. They were exactly what this country needs more of, doctors originally from a small town in NC who wanted to practice in a small town. They were both GP's but his specialty was pediatrics and delivering babies in a small town in VA. He retired early to his farm (about 62 I think) not because he wanted to but because the squeeze from malpractice insurance and Medicare payments made it hardly worth practicing medicine. Doctors have to go through a lot and incur a lot of expense to become certified. Good ones should be paid accordingly. The real superstars in America are ministers and doctors.
A friend of mine at Bell Labs went on to become the CTO of IBM for telephony and new technology. He wanted to trial IBM's Watson artificial intelligence system on healthcare systems. He wanted to do it in America but couldn't because our medical records weren't sufficiently computerized and the trial was done in Israel instead. Communications between all the healthcare providers for an individual (GP's and specialists including Dentists and Ophthalmologists) need to be far more effective. I get tired of filling out the same data sheet every time I see a new doctor or even when my existing doctor changes his records system. I also am amazed that it falls on the patient to tell one doctor what another doctor is doing. That's ridiculous and makes the system more inefficient and less effective.
All these things can be done with cooperation in government and between government and healthcare professionals. This is not pie in the sky. It's been done in other countries and certainly can be done here. I like to ask the question, If we could put a man on the moon why can't we bring our healthcare system into the 21 century? The answer is we could if we started working together, no question about it.