They say that JFK was assassinated in 1963 for exposing globalist influence over U.S. policy making. The theory is the deep state has been digging in ever since and under all radar until Trump. Trump's presidency has exposed the reality of this "deep state". How long do you think he will be allowed to continue?
The globalist's goal is one-world government with them at the helm. The deep state refers to political appointees and career bureaucrats who have infiltrated U.S. government agencies for over 50 years now working directly for globalist's interests and not American interests.
The better the economy, the better the average American citizens have it and the more difficult it becomes to convince them of the lies of progressive ideology. This is why Trump is so dangerous to them and there will be no turning back with them. Seems they have been convinced by globalists billionaires that they are on the winning side of this war for the soul of America. They have been convinced that they are the only people "awoke" to pending global disaster. In addition, their global warming prevention and social justice is truly righteous and moral and overrides the outdated, false morality" of the constitution and the Bible. Both of which were authored (in their reprobates minds) by evil, old, white men who are now destroying the planet.
The globalist "mighty men" pulling the strings will not allow any popular return back to normalcy, national sovereignty or the American dream. They have gained too much ground and there is no end in sight, they will not relent and accept Trump's policies of populism. Their tactics, protests and constant lies make absolutely no common sense to anyone not “under their delusion”. Trust this friends, if the U.S. government is retaken by the progressive agenda, no future two party elections will ever occur again. The globalists thought they had the world in their hands with Hillary. They did not cheat nearly enough to defeat Trump. They will not make that mistake again.
Lowering voting age, allowing felon voters, eliminating the electoral college and purposely allowing the southern border to be overrun by globalist organized waves of illegals is part of their plan to win in 2020 and beyond. They refer to these illegals as voters already and have relied on fraudulent election results for the last 20 years. They cannot win important elections fairly and they know it and don't care. All they want is power back and once they get it, everything will change quickly. Only they can save the planet from the common people's overuse of resources resulting in global warming and disaster.
Trump's surprise election interrupted their globalism plans. This and only this is why the globalist billionaires hate him so and will continue to unleash all their influence via media and internet against him. Their bought and paid for "news" organizations and pundits are merely their puppets. What? did you think this 3-year hate affair with Trump is normal politics? They were too close to their goal before Trump's speed-bump to go back underground now. They will continue to push the lies as truth more so now than ever. If their schemes to undo the 2016 election non-violently do not succeed, they will become increasingly violent by design and under orders.
Right under the world's noses, the globalist billionaires have legally acquired full ownership of all banking, all mainstream media (including Fox, we just don't see it yet but keep watching, they are slowly showing their true colors) and all of the internet. They own it all so do you really think Trump has authority over them? His authority extends as far as our laws will allow which isn't much at all.
Whomever controls the money (banks) and media (communications) truly controls society and governments.