Just as those who voted for Obama are responsible for his murdering of unborn children, you are responsible for John McCain's stance on torture. Since you voted for John McCain, you condoned his stance on torture.
You show your ignorance of politics. There were two candidates with a chance to win the presidency, though McCains were slight.
McCain is a patriot who obviously loves his country. He basically believes in free enterprise though he is big government like President Bush. He is also strongly pro-life.
Obama was and is still relatively unknown with no accomplishments in his political life other than getting his opposition for the Illinois Senate kicked off the ballot. But that is Daly's Chicago politics. Obama is a socialist and likely a racist and an America hater given:
1. He listened to America hater, socialist, and racist Jeremiah Wright for 20 years.
2. His wife publicly stated that America is a mean country.
3. He basically admitted his socialism to Joe the Plumber on national TV.
4. He is a rabid unborn and just born baby killer.
5. His running mate motor mouth and pea brain Joe Biden was of the same mold. In his 30+ years in the Senate what has he accomplished. Nothing but slop at the government trough.
So who did you vote for? I proudly voted for John McCain and Sarah Palin. I still disagree with John McCain on whether the inmates at Gtmo were tortured, on immigration, and on cap and trade.
Furthermore, because I vote for someone doesn't mean I turn off my brain like the democrats do.