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Total Depravity

Discussion in '2000-02 Archive' started by D B Cook, Sep 4, 2002.

  1. KenH

    KenH Well-Known Member

    May 18, 2002
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    (Psalm 5:5 NKJV) The boastful shall not stand in Your sight; You hate all workers of iniquity.

    From John Gill's commentary:

    "thou hatest all workers of iniquity; not all that have sin in them or do sin, for there are none without it; but such who give themselves up to work wickedness, who make it the business of their lives, and are slaves unto it, living in a continued series and course of impiety; and this character does not only belong to openly profane sinners, but to some professors of religion; see Matthew 7:22; and these are the objects of God's hatred. Which does not so much intend any past act of his, the preterition or passing them by, when he chose others in his eternal purposes; in which sense the word is used in Romans 9:13, as his continued aversion to them, denying them his grace and favour, and rejecting them from all nearness to him and communion with him; and may include the everlasting punishment of them, by which his displicine and hatred will be made manifest: and he is impartial in it, without any respect to persons, high or low, rich or poor; indignation and wrath, tribulation and anguish, will come upon every soul of man that does evil. God's love to his own people was antecedent to sin, and was placed upon them in Christ, in whom their persons are always well pleasing to him; and though they sinned in Adam, and became actual transgressors of his law, yet such was his love to their persons, that he saves them from their sins by the blood and righteousness of his son."

    (Psalm 11:5 NKJV) The LORD tests the righteous, But the wicked and the one who loves violence His soul hates.

    From John Gill's commentary:

    "but the wicked, and him that loveth violence, his soul hateth; that is, such who live in a course of sin and wickedness, and who not only do injury to the persons, characters, and properties of men, but love it, and delight therein, and also take pleasure in them that do the same: these God has a continued and inward aversion to; sin and wickedness being the abominable thing his righteous soul hates: and he shows his hatred to them, by not chastising them now, as he does his own people, but reserving everlasting punishment for them hereafter; see Proverbs 13:24."
  2. Ray Berrian

    Ray Berrian New Member

    Jan 11, 2002
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    I am glad you are reading your Bible; interpretation of His Word seems to be your impediment.

    I learned your verse, 'The wicked are estranged from the womb; they go astray as soon as they be born, speaking lies,' while at Reformed Episcopal Seminary in Philadelphia. I totally agree with what God has said, but He did not say that human beings were 'bumbling idiots' unable to understand the Gospel call or to hear His mighty convicting power leading to salvation and everlasting life.
  3. Ray Berrian

    Ray Berrian New Member

    Jan 11, 2002
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    Scott Emmerson,

    I took time to look up the word, 'hateth.' [Psalm 11:5] You are correct that the word can mean different things depending on the context. I found the word, " 'sawnay' a primitive word meaning: to hate personally, enemy, foe, or odious.

    As we both agree, God hates the sinner in that present condition, but His love goes out to them or He would not 'tap on our shoulder in time' reminding us of our condition without Christ. The next verse indicates that He is referrring to the sinners who are incorrigible.

    This verse has little or nothing to do with as they term, 'Total Depravity.' Yes, it does suggest the result of human depravity.

    Not everyone is gifted by the Holy Spirit to interpret the Word of truth and if some erring saints have that gift, they are still pouring His Word into the old 'wine-skins' of their preconceived ideas.

    Hey, I finally remembered that you are the one who interprets His Word in keeping with what
    the Godhead really meant when it was spoken and penned by the authors of the various books.
  4. God has determined the extent of his power tht he will use to draw men to him. HE HAS NOT PICKED AND CHOSEN WHOOM HE WILL DRAW.

    Trying to say tht volition results in a weak or impotent God shows a horrindous lack of understanding of freewill. It is a week and inefficient rebuttal to the truth which calvinism has blinded you to..

    [ October 05, 2002, 03:14 PM: Message edited by: Chappie ]