New Member
Well, that's just great! Post on the board for a week before I discover the section at the very top where I can introduce myself! Hm -- gotta wonder about that, don't ya?
Hi. Nice to meet you. I'm a pretty normal guy. Two grown kids, getting married again this fall, like to stay in shape by biking and working out a bit. I'm an addictions counselor and help at my church and other area Southern Baptist churches with drug, alcohol, tobacco and gambling education. Got a whole spiel and everything.
Oh, there is the fact I'm an ex-felon (forgery, fraud) and a recovered (by the grace of God) problem drinker and disordered gambler. The gambling is what led me to forgery and fraud, and landed me in prison. Other than that, I am still pretty much a normal guy, like I said.
I've made life hard on myself. Got a so-so education -- "so-so" because I didn't really engage in it -- and worked a number of jobs a lot of people would consider "glamorous": Sportscaster, pro sports marketing and media relations, home builder. Nothing I've ever done has given me the thrill that counseling addicts and disordered gamblers does, though. Obviously that has a lot to do with my own experiences, and working to help people "get it" -- that Christ is the only answer, just like He is to all sin.
So, looking forward to fellowshiping with everyone. I like what I see so far. God bless you all, and PM me anytime!
Hi. Nice to meet you. I'm a pretty normal guy. Two grown kids, getting married again this fall, like to stay in shape by biking and working out a bit. I'm an addictions counselor and help at my church and other area Southern Baptist churches with drug, alcohol, tobacco and gambling education. Got a whole spiel and everything.
Oh, there is the fact I'm an ex-felon (forgery, fraud) and a recovered (by the grace of God) problem drinker and disordered gambler. The gambling is what led me to forgery and fraud, and landed me in prison. Other than that, I am still pretty much a normal guy, like I said.
I've made life hard on myself. Got a so-so education -- "so-so" because I didn't really engage in it -- and worked a number of jobs a lot of people would consider "glamorous": Sportscaster, pro sports marketing and media relations, home builder. Nothing I've ever done has given me the thrill that counseling addicts and disordered gamblers does, though. Obviously that has a lot to do with my own experiences, and working to help people "get it" -- that Christ is the only answer, just like He is to all sin.
So, looking forward to fellowshiping with everyone. I like what I see so far. God bless you all, and PM me anytime!