as an FYI..... according to Wikipedia (rolls eyes) C&MA Polity is Mixed. Elements of Congregationalist, Presbyterian and non-sacramental Episcopalian polity present
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"To square the records, however, it should be said that if the Calvinist does not rise as high [phlegmatically], he usually stays up longer. He places more emphasis on the Holy Scriptures which never change, while his opposite number (as the newspapers say) tends to judge his spiritual condition by the state of his feelings, which change constantly. This may be the reason that so many Calvinistic churches remain orthodox for centuries, at least in doctrine, while many churches of the Arminian persuasion often go liberal in one generation."
Do you agree with Tozer?
Do Calvinists seem to be more stable emotionally than "non-cals"?
Their denominations have certainly tended to withstand the onslaught of liberalism and heterodoxy a great deal better than "non-cals".
Emotionalism is often related to the fall of theology.
Pentecostals are BY AND LARGE Arminian (perhaps 99.9999999 percent?) and they tend to be VERY unstable emotionally and less able to defend their doctrines, don't they?
Calvinists tend to be more educated too, don't they?
It would be hard to prove this statistically I suppose, but it has been my experience everywhere I have been.
Presbyterian denominations tend to be VERY demanding educationally of their ministers, for example.
IFB churches and non-reformed Baptist churches do not. And often those folks who are members in those churches are not very educated- at least this has been what I have observed.
I come from the Free Will Baptist movement and it is THOROUGHLY Arminian and it doesn't even HAVE a real seminary in the entire DENOMINATION! (some count Hillsdale but most Free Wills I know would not).
The main Presbyterian church in town, it has been my experience, tends to be the home church of the more educated folks.
Arminianism has seemed to appeal throughout history to the more sensational, emotional masses. It was spread across our land by, what I would consider to be, very shallow emotional tent revivals and camp meetings.
Doesn't it seem to be the case that the more educated one is the less he experiences often reoccurring fits of emotional highs and emotional lows?
Doesn't it seem that the more poor or uneducated or "backwoodsy" a person is the more they tend to be VERY emotional?
Could it be that as our culture dipped a hundred + years ago into low education and heavy emotionalism that THAT is related to the rise of Arminianism in our religious culture?
Could that rise of Arminianism be related to the liberalism that has overtook our culture at the same time?
Tozer, an Arminian, noted that Arminianism tends to liberalism and Calvinism tends to stand many generations before falling into liberalism.
I think they are related.
I think the surge of Calvinism in the SBC and her return to the Fundamentals of the Faith are related as well.
To the OP: Are we not better off discussing theology rather than taking swipes at the intellect and education of those with whom we disagree? It is a tactic, and I think you know it. If we discredit those who hold a view we discredit the view (it is also a rhetorical fallacy called appeal to authority).
No, there are some great minds who count themselves as among the non-Calvinists. I have learned much from men like C.S. Lewis and even Clark Pinnock, to name just two. And I know plenty of knuckle-headed Calvinists.
And that is all beside the point. A view rises or falls on its merit, not on its adherents. Truth is truth because it is true, not because smart people believe it or because dumb ones reject it. This is an offensive post.
Arrogant behavior can sometimes be a cover up for insecurity. The person overcompensates –acting the part of the smartest person in the room--doesn’t listen to anyone else’s ideas, because her ideas are better, or she feels she is right, or she blames others for anything that goes wrong.
This post is typical of most posts by reformed folks on this board.
I don't know if I would say most, but it is true by some.
I quit posting like I was in the theo areas because they get eat up with it.
This post is typical of most posts by reformed folks on this board.
This was from an article about the workplace, but it seems to fit.
A person who is truly intelligent doesn't need to flaunt it, or ridicule others as less intelligent, it will be obvious.
everyone has give Luke what he wanted. So lets move on!!!
This was from an article about the workplace, but it seems to fit.
A person who is truly intelligent doesn't need to flaunt it, or ridicule others as less intelligent, it will be obvious.
"To square the records, however, it should be said that if the Calvinist does not rise as high [phlegmatically], he usually stays up longer. He places more emphasis on the Holy Scriptures which never change, while his opposite number (as the newspapers say) tends to judge his spiritual condition by the state of his feelings, which change constantly. This may be the reason that so many Calvinistic churches remain orthodox for centuries, at least in doctrine, while many churches of the Arminian persuasion often go liberal in one generation."
Do you agree with Tozer?
Do Calvinists seem to be more stable emotionally than "non-cals"?
Their denominations have certainly tended to withstand the onslaught of liberalism and heterodoxy a great deal better than "non-cals".
Emotionalism is often related to the fall of theology.
Pentecostals are BY AND LARGE Arminian (perhaps 99.9999999 percent?) and they tend to be VERY unstable emotionally and less able to defend their doctrines, don't they?
Calvinists tend to be more educated too, don't they?
It would be hard to prove this statistically I suppose, but it has been my experience everywhere I have been.
Presbyterian denominations tend to be VERY demanding educationally of their ministers, for example.
IFB churches and non-reformed Baptist churches do not. And often those folks who are members in those churches are not very educated- at least this has been what I have observed.
I come from the Free Will Baptist movement and it is THOROUGHLY Arminian and it doesn't even HAVE a real seminary in the entire DENOMINATION! (some count Hillsdale but most Free Wills I know would not).
The main Presbyterian church in town, it has been my experience, tends to be the home church of the more educated folks.
Arminianism has seemed to appeal throughout history to the more sensational, emotional masses. It was spread across our land by, what I would consider to be, very shallow emotional tent revivals and camp meetings.
Doesn't it seem to be the case that the more educated one is the less he experiences often reoccurring fits of emotional highs and emotional lows?
Doesn't it seem that the more poor or uneducated or "backwoodsy" a person is the more they tend to be VERY emotional?
Could it be that as our culture dipped a hundred + years ago into low education and heavy emotionalism that THAT is related to the rise of Arminianism in our religious culture?
Could that rise of Arminianism be related to the liberalism that has overtook our culture at the same time?
Tozer, an Arminian, noted that Arminianism tends to liberalism and Calvinism tends to stand many generations before falling into liberalism.
I think they are related.
I think the surge of Calvinism in the SBC and her return to the Fundamentals of the Faith are related as well.
So many of us have, but I see a hand full going over board, the same ones, many are very nice just disagree. Jim 1999 has always acted as a Christian and even on Dispensationalism with me, which he does not agree with. And there are many others.
Doesn't it seem that the more poor or uneducated or "backwoodsy" a person is the more they tend to be VERY emotional?
Now I dont understand this above comment at all... I hope you can explain it so it does NOT sound inflammatory.![]()
Tozer was arminian? I knew him personally for years, and I DIDN't know that. In that era, and even to-day, there is a large group, even amongst baptists, that are neither calvinists or arminian. Someone needs to study theology a little better, without the labels and strict definitions.
Mandym, I agree and I might add it seems that some folks think that if its not reformed then it is Arminian. I agree with Jim that there are plenty of folks who would not consider themselves in neither camp (self included). I venture to say that no one on this BB would think they could lose their salvation. I've heard it said, "If I had to choose between dancing with a Calvinist or an Arminian, and I could not choose otherwise, I would dance with the Arminian."
Luke, in light of your comments above, how would you explain the calvinist Westboro Baptist Church? Perhaps an anomaly? (I hope so and think so) I would think that any person who lives in doubt of salvation is going to have problems as you've discussed.